Wednesday, January 13, 2010

As life happens...

So I had a great start and I felt like things were going great and then it was like life happened.  Church dinners, lunch at a friends, and a husband who keeps insisting I have to make exceptions.  I'm still on schedule and doing great but I know I could be doing much better. 

Mostly I've lost the drive to get out of bed in the morning.  I get to bed later and later and I just can't seem to go to bed at 11 and drag myself up at 6.  I've ever been an early riser.  I'd love to work out at night but then I'd be wide awake for hours on end.  Always another excuse right?  I've got to work hard and stay focused!  You'd think I wouldn't need more motivation then the scale but it just isn't that easy. 

Pray for me!  O-wait, you can't, because you don't even know I've written this.  The problem with top secret projects is that your in them alone.  Guess I better pray for me then!!!  :)